本文摘要:Hutchison Whampoa, one of the Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing’s flagship companies, has agreed to buy O2, the British cellphone carrier owned by the Spanish telecommunications giant Telefónica, in a deal worth about $15 billion.香港亿万富翁李嘉诚(Li Ka-shing)的旗舰公司之一和记黄埔(Hutchison Whampoa)早已表示同意并购西班牙电信巨头西班牙电信(Telefónica)所有的英国移动电话运营商O2,此次交易的价值大约为150亿美元(约合931亿元人民币)。

Hutchison Whampoa, one of the Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing’s flagship companies, has agreed to buy O2, the British cellphone carrier owned by the Spanish telecommunications giant Telefónica, in a deal worth about $15 billion.香港亿万富翁李嘉诚(Li Ka-shing)的旗舰公司之一和记黄埔(Hutchison Whampoa)早已表示同意并购西班牙电信巨头西班牙电信(Telefónica)所有的英国移动电话运营商O2,此次交易的价值大约为150亿美元(约合931亿元人民币)。On Tuesday evening, Telefónica said that it reached a definitive agreement to sell O2 to Hutchison Whampoa, which plans to combine the company with Three, its British cellphone business.周二晚,西班牙电信回应公司已达成最后协议,要把O2出售给和记黄埔。和记黄埔想把O2与它自己的英国移动电话业务Three展开拆分。

“Completion of the transaction is subject, among other usual conditions, to the approval of the applicable regulatory authorities and the obtaining of waivers to certain change of control provisions,” Telefónica said in a news release.西班牙电信在新闻稿中称之为,“交易的已完成还各不相同涉及监管部门的批准后,以及取得转变掌控条款所需的弃权证书等一些常规条件。”The deal comes about two months after the companies first confirmed they were in exclusive talks.在达成协议交易前的约两个月,这几家公司首次证实它们在展开排他性谈判。

Under the terms of the proposed deal, Hutchison Whampoa would pay 9.25 billion pounds, or about $14 billion, in cash for O2. A further payment of up to 1 billion would be made later, depending on the performance of the combined businesses of Three and O2.根据明确提出的协议的条款,和记黄埔将耗资92.5亿英镑,或大约140亿美元,用作并购O2。最低平均10亿英镑的第一时间款项将于随后缴纳,这还各不相同Three与O2拆分后的业务展现出。The merger would be the latest in a series of deals that are transforming the telecom landscape across Europe, particularly as cable and telecom companies seek to offer consumers bundled services that combine mobile, broadband, television and landlines.一系列交易正在转变欧洲的电信版图,此次拆分是其中近期的一例;特别是在值得一提的是,有线电视和电信公司正试图为消费者获取把移动设备、宽带、电视和相同电话融合在一起的捆绑式服务。The combination of O2 and Three would create a mobile carrier with about 31 million customers and a much stronger challenger to EE, which the British telecom giant BT recently agreed to buy for 12.5 billion.O2和Three的拆分将建构一个享有大约3100万名用户的移动运营商,对EE构成更大的挑战。

最近,英国电信巨头英国电信集团(BT)表示同意以125亿英镑并购EE。It would also shrink the number of main mobile providers in Britain to three, including Vodafone.英国主要移动运营商也将因此增加到三家,其中还包括沃达丰(Vodafone)。Britain’s competition authorities have previously stated that they would prefer to have at least four mobile carriers, so any deal would most likely face regulatory scrutiny over how it could affect consumers, particularly in the pricing of services.英国的竞争管理部门此前曾回应,他们期望英国最少有四家移动运营商;所以任何交易都很可能会在对消费者的影响,尤其是服务定价等方面,面对监管部门的审查。

The deal also would be the largest international acquisition by a company controlled by Mr. Li, one of Asia’s richest men.这笔交易还将是亚洲首富之一李嘉诚所掌控的公司所展开的规模仅次于的国际并购。




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